august 31

Rithy gave me a ride home from school (pronounced sa-la in khmer) on his motorcycle, and I felt just like the asian version of Che Guevara (Ernesto) in motorcycle diaries, the wind in my hair, the territory up ahead yet to be explored. There are cows and chickens free in the city streets. Phnom Penh isn’t very big, but it’s very easy to get lost in. It’s crowded and sweaty and hectic, dangerous, and there is the always difficult language barrier. It rained all afternoon, and when I looked off my balcony, Rithy was playing badminton in funny short track shorts and a muscle tank. He reminds me of my uncles in the Philippines (Jesse and Jeanry), laugh, belly, and all.

Last night Fay and Tim took us out to eat at Chi Cha, it's an Indian restaurant downtown, where the SM's last year would get delivery from everyweek. It's $2 U.S. for a 5 course meal. You mostly can eat a fairly large meal for around a $1. At Chi Cha, I ordered chicken curry for $.90. But my favorite part is the fruit. The marketplaces are full of rows of fresh fruit for very cheap. And you can get fresh fruit shakes for a couple thousand reil (4000 reil is $1 U.S). I just thought I'd mention the food, because when I talked to Brian, that was the first question he asked. So, yes, it's good! Ha. I miss you friends!

I set up my classroom today. It is still a mess! I now have only Sunday to do all of my lesson plans. I want to be a good teacher. I wish I could say I had the time to be one.
Nice blog! I like this: "Close your eyes......... and keep your mind open."
it sounds like your having a freaken blast!! im super jealous cause now your gonna have tons of awesome experiences to base your art off of! Lucky! I miss you trina but thanks for mentioning me in your blog i feel special now haha. oh and way to be like Che Guevara on the moto you rebel you, LOVE!
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