august 27

I've finally received clarity on my duties as a missionary. It was our first day of teacher training. I am teaching the 1st grade. I am the home room teacher, so I teach all the subjects, except for the one period a day, where I will be teaching 8th grade math. I even teach music. The kids speak little to no English, but we are known as an all-english (international) school, we uphold this reputation and the rules are that we never speak Khmer on campus, only English. How will I communicate with my students? I ask myself this, with no answers.... but I am excited. Oddly. I'm ecstatic. We recieve the textbooks for our classes tomorrow, most of the classes don't have teacher's editions. I have 4 days to do all of my lesson plans, and I will hand in yearly, quarterly, weekly, and daily lesson plans, just in case someone needs to fill in for me. I have 4 days to get creative. I am nervous. Yes. A little.

Heather and I walked to an internet cafe at the marketplace, Psa Jaa (? i can't remember). More will come later, but I thought I'd share pictures.
Oh my beloved trina! Well time has passed and i am so glad that you are finally figuring out what you have to do as a teacher! It's stressful i bet and not to mention a lesson plan comes with more than raw nerves! Well knowing you, you will handle it beautifully and come out with a smile on your face! I miss you dearly! I looked at my phone today and saw your name... i cried! I miss you and i don't even get to talk to you! Wow this is torture! Cure me soon and let know the details! Love you mucho babe! ~jess
Trina, I'm so proud of you!
Pastor Jerry
HI, Trina, It is Ivan's mom. Pastor Jerry put your blog in an email. What an adventure, I will keep you in prayer. So great to see what all of you are choosing to do with your lives. Angela, Ivan's sister is in Sicily, where here husband is stationed. Her bog is:
take care and love the children, I will check your blog from time to time, say hi to your mom for me.
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